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Latest company news about 304, traders running out of goods, the highest price down 150?

Wuxi stainless steel market today, is very stable, some businesses down a small 50 yuan/ton, but then look at Foshan?Traders fall in the first run, drop more than 150 yuan/ton?

Many businesses in today’s morning market Delong 304/2B 4ft rough edge base price 13650 (converted into 2.0 cut 14150) yuan/ton freight, Chengde, Beibu Gulf new materials, Hongwang and so on to 13800 (converted into 2.0 cut 14300) yuan/ton. The base price of Yongjin four-foot rough edge can be 14050 (converted to 2.0 cut 14550) yuan/ton for freight.

The market said, recent transactions continued to be weak, downstream procurement enthusiasm is not high, let shipping profit.So,it is the best period to search for stainless steel suppliers from China now.

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