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Latest company news about Tesla attacks again! Nickel makes another big move, up 300.How aboutstainless steel market

On Friday, the financial market and bulk commodities recovered across the board. U.S. stocks and A-shares ended the continuous sharp decline and collectively ushered in a rebound; U.S. crude oil futures rose by 1.05%; nonferrous metal copper rose by 1.24%, and nickel nickel rose by 2.06% (or US$305) , Continued the upward trend today, and rose by US$115 to US$15,225/ton at around 12:30 noon.


On the other hand, the topic of Tesla continues to support the nickel hype.How will Wuxi’s 304 market react under the boost of Lun Nickel?In today’s cold rolling market, the base price of Delong and Beibu Gulf New Material’s four-foot rough edge has been increased to 14,300 yuan/ton (converted to a 2.0 cut of 14,800), and the base price of Hongwang and Indonesia Ruipu four-foot rough edge has remained at 14,400 yuan/ton (converted Cut into 2.0 and cut 14900), the base price of Jiangsu Yongjin four feet raw edge continues to be 14,700 yuan/ton (converted into 2.0 cut 15200). Hot-rolled Dongte 304 private production area slightly increased by 50 to 14,200 yuan / ton.

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