1. Stainless steel warehouse receipts increased for the first time!
Today’s stainless steel warehouse receipt has changed the previous trend of going to the warehouse and increased 303 tons to 4634 tons.

2. Most commodity futures fell, with black ahead and stainless steel affected
At the close of the domestic futures market, most of the commodity futures fell, with the black series falling first. Ferrosilicon fell by more than 6%, iron ore fell by 4.34%, coke fell by 3.98%, manganese and silicon fell by 2.84%, and coking coal fell by 1.54%
The market believes that the black general fall, stainless steel should be affected, and at the last moment can not escape.
3. Stainless steel is caused by multiple single closing positions!
In the last 3 seconds, 1135 hands of stainless steel multiple single positions were closed, bringing a straight dive in price.
In short, after the plunge of stainless steel futures, the stainless steel spot market in the afternoon fell into silence again.
Post Time: August-18-2022